The Story is about a power battle which is taking place in the higher echelons of power unrelated and unconnected episodes occurring in different parts of the globe, Intertwine in an unforeseen manner to a revelation of mind games. The story delves the audience into the game of a brilliant master mind to reveal the true nature of all that are involved. It challenges the percept......
Award winning writer, celebrity Mark Travis seeks inspiration by returning to his hometown. What he finds is not what he expected. Her name is Holly. What Holly would do, is like nothing Mark has ever experienced before....
在名为欧诺的热带丛林中,小象霍顿(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 配音)和朋友们自由自在地生活于此。某天,一粒灰尘闯入霍顿的世界。当灰尘经过他面前时,他仿佛听到微弱的求救声。经过一番手忙脚乱的追逐,霍顿终于在一朵花上找到了那粒灰尘。原来灰尘上有一个“无名镇(呼呼镇)”,当地人民原本生活安泰,无忧无虑,但一枚滑落的果实却将“无名镇”所在的灰尘从苜蓿花蕊上撞向天空。这一变故让即将迎来百年庆典的“无名镇”出现诸多怪事,偶然机缘,小镇镇长麦多多和霍顿间取得了联系。为了让小镇重新回到稳定状态,霍顿决定带着他们回到原有的世界……...